5 Steps to Being Super Clear Minded & Productive

If you find yourself laying in bed and staring at the ceiling or avoiding checking your email, as if your messages will magically disappear (Voila!), then I recommend reading these helpful tips to get back on track.


Yes, I want you to take a few minutes to breathe every morning. It helps your body to be relaxed and it can lower any stress or anxiety as you prepare for the day. I literally have the “Calm” app downloaded on my phone. Before I start my work from home, I sit for 2 minutes and breathe, filling myself up with intention and focus for the day.


Drinking water, especially lemon water is one of the best things to do in the morning. Lemon water flushes out toxins from the body. After a long night sleep, you want to make sure that you feel refreshed and refueled.

Get Outside

In the age of COVID, it’s so easy to stay inside but if you can, get some fresh air. Just taking a stroll can improve your mood and focus. Find a quiet place in a park or at a lake to read a book or go for walk.

Be Creative

If you want to create, create! Who cares if you’re not the most creative person. Being creative can improve your mood and relieve stress. If you’re feeling a bit down, do something creative to clear your mind.

Tackle Your To Do List

Quite simply, writing a ‘To Do’ list helps you to better manage your day. Keep your focus by checking items off as you get them done. This way, you can prioritize your day and break your goals down into tasks.


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